Future plc United Kingdom
Liam Hammett
Tech Lead
I am a seasoned PHP developer turned Tech Lead with a passion for Laravel. I have presented at conferences like Laracon EU and meetups such as PHPSW, sharing in-depth knowledge about subjects like Localisation and Laravel Blade.
If you are looking for a talk on something I haven't already given, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Have a look at the talks this speaker offers.
Talk 30m
Slicing Into Blade
Most Laravel developers find themselves relying he...
Talk 30m
Unconventional Autoloaders
We use autoloaders in PHP all the time, but if you...
Talk 15m
Avoiding the pain of localisation
There are a handful of pitfalls that people often...
Talk 50m
Unconventional PHP
You might think you know PHP, but if you dig below...
Talk 30m
Guzzle Middleware for Production
Guzzle is an integral part of our PHP applications...