Journey of a typical Laravel request Duration 30m

Many Laravel developers have some ideas about how the framework works behind the scenes but aren't aware of the terminology and processes—for example, the kernel, the Service container, Service providers, Facades, etc. Having a clearer picture of how these topics work helps them get the most out of the framework.

The topics are complex in nature so I take them through the journey of an HTTP request instead of talking about those topics directly. It feels more like a story and less like a guide.

I use more graphics and less code to transfer this knowledge to the maximum audience irrespective of their experience and level of expertise.

The goal is to let the audience be more comfortable with above-mentioned topics which allows that to create new packages and make their Laravel web applications more feature-rich.

About this talk

I have already given this talk at Laracon India 2023. It was a resounding success! I had the pleasure of speaking to a large audience of approximately 1200 attendees, and I was delighted to see that my message resonated with them.

After my talk, many people came up to me to express their appreciation for my presentation. Some attendees even took selfies with me, which made me feel even more grateful and humbled.

I'm already looking forward to the next opportunity to share my ideas and insights with an even larger audience!


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